Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Festivities Surrounding the Reunion

The reunion is right around the corner, and about 70 folks are heading in from all corners of the globe! Thanks to our social coordinator, Mark Drews, a few other informal events have been added to the weekend's schedule, giving people more time to catch up with classmates.

Here's what the weekend schedule looks like-

Friday, July 18th, 7:00-9:00 pm
Happy hour at West 59
For directions, click here
(The big band concert in Milford Central Park that was previously described is Thursday, not Friday.)

Saturday, July 19th-
2:00 pm (be on time!) MHS tour: Classes of 1963 & 1978
7:00 pm Reunion at the Lazy J Ranch
For directions, click here

Sunday, July 20th-
2:00 pm Informal get together at Milford Central Park. Bring the whole family! Maybe we could manage to put together a softball game so bring your gear if you're interested.

See you soon!

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